Congratulations to Light House Design
Congratulations to Light House Design on your new website. It was a pleasure working with this talented architect!

Good Lighting Makes a Good Photo
As in life, being at the right place at the right time, truly makes a photo. Here the lighting was just perfect and the building...

Not Too Shabby!
Are you getting results from your email newsletters? Find out how to break through!

Real or not real...What do you think?

Amazing Results
Utilizing only a monthly email newsletter and social media posts, a small group of dedicated volunteers from Friends of Meali have raised...

It's Rhody Time!
A sure sign of Spring, are the blooming of the Rhododendron. There are more than 1000 species of Rhododendron and each year they take my...

Are You Visible?
Recently I needed a contractor but could not recall the exact name of the business I had used prior. With so many companies and many with...